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Animation Library > Animals > Mice

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This category contains 63 animations. Feel free to browse through all of the animations and click on the ones you'd like to download, add to favorites or send as a great looking digital postcard.

American mouse

American mouse

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Description:A mouse coming out of an American hat that reads, "Made in the USA."
Rating: 2.64 / 5
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Baby mouse

Baby mouse

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Description:Funny mouse pulling a mobile duck.
Rating: 2.18 / 5
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Baby mouse 2

Baby mouse 2

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Description:Mice and mushrooms riding a suffering snail.
Rating: 2.36 / 5
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Big feet

Big feet

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Description:An animated picture of a white mouse in pink overalls with big feet waving.
Rating: 3.27 / 5
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Big feet 2

Big feet 2

Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:A mouse character with big feet wearing pink overalls.
Rating: 2.59 / 5
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Birthday cake

Birthday cake

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Description:Two rats are enjoying the birthday cake and one of them cut a slice to take home.
Rating: 2.55 / 5
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Congo line

Congo line

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Description: A tribe of mice form a congo line as the leader holds a pile of fruits above his head.
Rating: 2.76 / 5
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Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description:A very simple, yet extremely cute, rodent in the shape of a little mouse with huge ears and glasses.
Rating: 2.65 / 5
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Click to view Big feet
An animated picture of a white mouse in pink overalls with big feet waving.

Click to view Big feet 2
A mouse character with big feet wearing pink overalls.

Click to view Birthday cake
Two rats are enjoying the birthday cake and one of them cut a slice to take home.