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Animation Library > Animals > Foxes and Wolves

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Foxes and Wolves

This category contains 57 animations. Feel free to browse through all of the animations and click on the ones you'd like to download, add to favorites or send as a great looking digital postcard.

Bad wolf

Bad wolf

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Description:A grey, cool looking wolf flipping a gold coin.
Rating: 2.43 / 5
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Big eared fox

Big eared fox

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Description:A fox with big ears looking around.
Rating: 3.00 / 5
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Big nose wolf

Big nose wolf

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Description:An animated picture of an angry, snarling wolf with a big nose.
Rating: 2.87 / 5
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Blue wolf

Blue wolf

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Description:An animated picture of a blue wolf howling at the moon.
Rating: 2.97 / 5
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Cartoon coyote

Cartoon coyote

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Description:A cartoon fox or wolf sitting on a plunger and howling.
Rating: 2.33 / 5
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Colors change

Colors change

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Description:A fox or wolf looking at a cactus and howling.
Rating: 2.60 / 5
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Click on the image to view animation's full size.
Description: A coyote howls in the middle of the day while feeling very lonely.
Rating: 3.77 / 5
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Coyote 2

Coyote 2

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Description:A hungry brown skin color wolf with a long toungue.
Rating: 3.01 / 5
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Click to view Bad wolf
A grey, cool looking wolf flipping a gold coin.

Click to view Big eared fox
A fox with big ears looking around.

Click to view Big nose wolf
An animated picture of an angry, snarling wolf with a big nose.